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My cat has a scabby nose with no hait on it.

18 14:55:10

I live in Florida and my 2 cats go inside and outside as they please. They stay in our yard and I have never heard or seen any evidence of them fighting with other cats. They both have scabby noses. One has no hair left on the nose at all. Why is that? It is a pretty new development. They have lived here for 14 months and this is the first it has happened. They get advantage flea meds every month.

Most of the cats we have seen with scabby noses are from mosquito or fly bites. Advantage doesn't prevent that.

Other causes are the type of food bowl they are using such as plastic, or the food could be causing a problem.

Since both cats have it is unlikely to be a disease condition such as lupus, but more likely externally caused. As I said, mosquitoes are usually the biggest culprits.

Most vets will recommend a fly repellent cream or spray made for cats and dogs. Do not use human products due to the potential of toxicity in the cats. I use Ovitrol spray and spray it on a rag then dab the top of the nose, chin and forehead of the cat. There are creams too that you can buy at the feed store. Ask your vet about them.