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Swollen Eye Socket Newborn Puppy

18 14:27:25

I have a 6 day old puppy.  He is one of two.  The other did not survive.  He was born c-section. I am bottle feeding because moms milk seems to be no good and he isnt thriving.  He is gaining weight if I feed him.  He had his tail docked today and seems to be stable and thriving.  I just noticed one of his eye sockets is swollen.  There is no discharge from the eye.  He is already on antibiotics due to having meconium in the lungs at birth.  What would the treatment be at this age?

Swollen eyes on a newborn are generally an infection. Since the eye is sealed shut at this age, the pus and debris from the infection will build up under the lid.

You need to get him into the vets and have them open the eye, drain it and flush it out with antibiotics.

If you don't, the eye can be adversely affected and the puppy could be blinded or lose the eye entirely.

The antibiotics he is on might not touch it if it's a local infection.
In either case, the vet should see it right away.