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ear flap swelling

18 14:47:16


my part, great pyrenees/spanial mix dog, weighing about 110 lbs and is 13.5 yrs, in great health it appears otherwise (i even cook his wet dog food with veggies, rice, eggs-well he loves it, has his right ear flap swollen.  not the whole flap, but just one half whole length, of the right ear flap.
i have attached a picture hopefully to give you an idea of the size etc.  his ears are not greasy etc, he had just been for his walk and it was raining so he's all wet!
this picture is used to show how thick/swollen the usually very thin flap is.  i had other pictures to "explain" better, but they only let you upload one.
i see no place that looks like an insect bite although it is hard to see with all the hair and of course he won't be still for long while bothering his ears.
the flap has only been this way maybe about 5 days, as when i brushed him i would've noticed it.  i am in texas and i have seen wasps still around.  we are worried what it could be as he's never been sick really, and we cannot lift him into a car and he is terrified of rides.  also he never got very "socialable" with his own kind even tho he was raised just fine with other dogs so gets viscious when around dogs.  so i cannot get him to the vet unless a dire emergency and then they would probably have to give me those knockout pills, etc etc.
so wanted to write you first to get an opinion of diagnosis and possible treatment.  
i have been keeping it clean as best as possible with alcohol and oil of oregano, alternatively, not knowing what else to do. it does not seem to cause him pain but he has been shaking his head alot even previous to the swelling.  he also sleeps on it, so no pain?  i would trim hair and it seemed to help for a while.
do you think this is an ongoing problem of an inner ear problem?  or typical of old dogs or certain breeds?  can you give me some hints to be able to tell if a dog has a sick ear problem?
thanks for any help and hope to hear from you soon,
janet and chuck

This is probably an aural hematoma, which is a pocket of blood between the skin and the cartilage.  Dogs get these from violently shaking the ears. Your vet should look at this and if that is what it is, then surgery is required to drain it and to remove the clots before this deforms the ear as the healing process ensues.