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dog fine this morning, now she is crying when i touch her.

18 14:54:35

please help.  my dog was fine this morning, but i noticed that she didn't want to jump onto the couch, didn't really register at the time, i just noticed it.  then this afternoon, i went to pick her up(she is a 5lb chihuahua), and she started crying blue murder, which is totally out of the ordinary.  i tried to find out where she was hurting and it seems to be just in front of her hips in the stomach area.  now we bred her a month ago and she may be pregnant, but not sure, have a bvet appt. on wednesday next week.  now here is where i got mad, the stud i took her to didn't take much interest in her, so they artificially did it.  i asked the guy how that was, and he told me he used a q-tip.  the only thing other than that, is i fed her some chicken last night, boneless, skinless, that i was eating for dinner, I am fine, I don't feel bad or anything, so the chicken isn't  bad. but could she have indigestion or something?

Chris -

 My first suggestion is that you should have your pet evaluated for infection - especially if she was not artificially inseminated properly.  I am not a breeder, but if she was not artificially  inseminated using aseptic techniques - meaning if they took extra precaution not to transfer bacteria when they inseminated her, then there is the possibility that she may have an infection.  Your veterinarian can do tests that can help determine why she is hypersensitive to touch.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM