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Lumps & Moles on 10 yr old Boston Terrier.

18 15:19:32

I have a 10 yr old female Boston Terrier who has over the last yr developed a lump(or almost a knot) on her right hind thigh. She also has a very similar lump right at the point on her rib cage. These probably have had a very minimal level of enlargement since first noticed. Recently I have noticed some moles and after close investigation I have found that there are more than forty some on one side. She has not shown any signs of slowing down and is still the same dog in personality. What is your best guess???

Ken -

Guessing is not a good thing. The lumps you describe may be benign, but one cannot tell without looking at them. Have your pup evaluated by a doctor.  Her advanced age merits at least a twice yearly exam and bloodwork.  The bloodwork is done to look at liver and kidney function; often if problems are diagnosed early, then they can be corrected thus enabling your dog to live a long healthy life.  

It is difficult to tell what the lumps are - your veterinarian can better determine what is going on with your dog after examining her.