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Puppy Itches

18 15:08:20

Hi, I have a 4 mos old Shih Tzu. Lately she is scratching herself continuously and rubbing her face on the floor. Ever since I brought her home when she is 2 mos, she did scratch herself a little bit, but now she is doing a lot more frequent. I am sure that she does not have fleas. My vet said before it might be allergy but they are not certain. Is there a way to find out what it is other than taking her to the vet? I am a little concern cause it will proably take numerous visits before I can find out what it is or if it is even allegy. And every time I bring her in I will be charge a lot for tests and office visit. So I would like to know if there is anything I can do myself. Could it possibly be dry skin because of winter? If so, is there any ointment or medication that I can give her to ease her from the itch?

Without a proper diagnosis, it is impossible for me to tell you what the treatment should be.  There are 2 major reasons for itching in young puppies. First, it could be an allergy to the food.  YOu can change the food to one with totally different ingredients than the one she is eating now.  The other common reason is sarcoptic mange.  That can be treated with shot of ivermectin or a dip in a special type of insecticide for mites.