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fleas and mites?

18 15:16:44

QUESTION: I just took my 10 wk old cairn terrier to the vet two days ago. They said that he had fleas, and gave us a dropper to put at the back of the neck. I was just wondering how long it would take before the medicine begins to work.

And about fleas: My dog has been scratching itself occasionally , but i'm not sure if it's fleas or not. The breeder already put advantage on before leaving the breeder's home, so I doubt it.

ANSWER: Oh, I love little Carin Terriers... Toto from the Wizard of Oz movie!
The  medication will take effect within a few days - It works thru the blood stream.  I would also recommend you spray some home made flea spray on him also-  Here is how to make it:
Link Below:

There are many links, on the web, to all kinds of home make flea sprays... they work well but not as good as the Medication.  It can't hurt to add a little natural help.

Also, I refer all my new puppy parents to NuVET Plus - This is a must for a Healthy and Long Life - It will Keep the VET away,too.
Here is the link
Not sold in stores

Good Luck with the new baby!

Pet Chef
Alternative Meds for Pets
All Experts . Com
The Doggie Chalet Hotel

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Oops! i just reread the thing that I wrote...

it was ear mites that he had, not fleas.

Oh, the sprays will help to keep them away too.
Mostly ear mites hide in dirt...
Don't let him roll around in the dirt too much...

Get some NuVET Plus - this will keep the bugs away from him.. They will taste his blood and walk away ( run away).... The NuVET helps to build his immune system..

good luck and have fun with the baby!!!

Call Joan - 1-800-474-7044  ext 265  Joan is in the office today 8-4 Calif time zone... Ask for some NuVET Plus wafers... YOU only need 1/2 per day ( .25 cents per day)
Tell her breeder code 81098