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aging kitty and sub-Q

18 15:13:11

I know how to give fluids. I give them to my 6-yr-old PKD kitty eod.
Question: Our vet suggested I give them to one of our older cats. She's 15-16? She's likely anemic, hard to tell because blood is thick. Her thyroid is just slightly hyper. She doesn't want the fluids. She gets pissed. I can force her, but could I do something easier and not torture this old lady (meaning both me and the cat)? Just want to make her a little healthier in her last years. Thank you so much!

Hi Jacqueline- I understand your concern about your senior citizen feline.. Sorry,unless you want to try some Pedilyte in a dish - or Pedilyte in a mouth/ Just don't know what to say.
I can understand her not wanting the s.c. needle sticking into her skin.

Your gal may be giving up on her health.  I know you don't want to give up on her, but you don't want to make a pin cushion out of her... She doesn't want it at all.

Sorry, I just don't have any great ideas for you.  YOU can give some good canned cat food and add some water - hide some water and mix?

Best wishes to you....

I know it is hard to see a special fur friend get old and sickly..

Marie Peppers