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post heartworm tx exercise

18 15:53:54

I can't believe I am having a hard time finding info on post
heartworm treatment exercise. My dog Sadie a pomeranian/king
charles mix was adopted in june with heartworm (didn't know
what I was getting myself into!) Don't remember the treatment's
name but she got one shot at the beginning of August. and then
2 shots, stayed overnight at the vet at the end of August. the vet
said to keep her calm until further notice. she is a hyper dog.
and I was able to keep her calm for 3-4 weeks post treatment.
However, my softie husband adopted another dog and I came
home to find them playing with high energy in the back yard.
Sadie never had any side effects from the treatment except for
pain at the injection site that lasted 2 days tops. She also gained
a fair amount of weight (blaming it on the pregnisone and the
lack of exercise). But now I am feeling guilty about the exercise
and hope she doesn't have some hidden CHF or side effect from
forbidden exercise!. I am nervous to tell the vet about her
activity but she is really acting normal and wants to play! when
is it ok to play??
thanks for your time!

Typical period of rest after treatment is 3-4 weeks; however, I would recommend chest x-rays to see how her heart and lungs look as small dogs are much more prone to heart disease to begin with regardless of heartworm but that certainly complicates things.  And when starting with excercise you should do it in moderation and build up to a normal play schedule so she doesn't over-do it.