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My mothers dog was in heat...

18 16:05:45

My mothers dog was in heat from the last week of march thru early april
the male dog she has we think bread her (mom's hoping for pups) is there
any way other than taking her to the vet for x-rays to tell if she's
pregnant? the vet doesn't like her as she's a bit nippy and we havn't been
able to find a vet in town we trust yet.  thank you  

Not really.  With pregnancy you will notice weight gain and mammary gland/nipple enlargment.  Pregnancy lasts 63 days plus or minus 5 days.  A blood test can be done to determine pregnancy but you would have to go to the vet for that too.  An x-ray won't show the puppy's skeletons before 42 days of pregnancy.