Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > OTC MEDICATION


18 15:53:12

My dalmatian has hip dysplasia and is now on 3 tablets of cosequin ds and 2 tablets of rimadyl(75mg ea.) daily.  This is expensive to keep up because she is already taking allergy shots and an antihistamine.  I was wondering if there are over the counter human equivalents for the cosequin and rimadyl that might be cheaper to give her?  And would it be safe to do the substitution?  

Rimadyl - NO.   Unless your vet feels aspirin (baby aspirin) is OK. DO NOT GIVE ANY OTC pain meds to pets EVER. That is the fastest way to instant kidney and liver failure.

Cosequin- probably. You are looking for Glucosamine/Chondrotin.  So head out the the vitamine shop and check for similar mg's.   That is a safe subtitution. Or check out for joint supplements :)