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Guinea Pig Baby

18 14:55:55

I got a guinea pig from a large chain pet store in February. It turned out that she was pregnant. She never went into labor, so she was taken to the vet and an emergency c-section was done this past Wednesday. She had 4 pups who totaled in at over a pound. The vet said that mom had been pregnant for over 100 days. Sadly mom and 3 of the babies died over night. I now have the last baby at home and have been feeding her every hour with what the vet recommended. Puppy milk replacement and a critical care powder that gets mixed with water. Everything seemed okay until today, the baby hasn't eaten much food at all and hasn't pooped all day. Now she wont eat at all and is shaking (even though we are keeping her warm), breathing really heavily, and is having a hard time keeping her head straight. I am afraid she is sick and will die like the rest of her family. Can anything be done to help this little baby?

I do not think anything will help this baby. You have done so much for this poor guinea pig mom and her babies that you are to be thanked and praised. If you knew some of the holistic ways to heal, you might possibly have helped the last baby, but probably not.

From the book, Healthy Animal's Journal - "Reiki: Personally, I think every person who lives with or works with animals must know at least Level I Reiki. The practitioner places her hands upon the animal (or it can be done from a distance as some animals are too sensitive for direct touch) with the intent for healing to occur. The energy flows through the healer into the animal. This is based on directly applying Chi (energy) to rebalance the energy field so it no longer needs to produce the physical symptoms. It is a very good adjunct to any healing modality, especially to relieve pain and inflammation. It also "takes the bad out of" things. By doing Reiki on smelly water in restaurants I have been able to drink sweet tasting and smelling water. Use Reiki anytime that you must give injections, vaccines, drugs, flea or heartworm drugs, or other substances with potential toxicity. Hold the syringe or the drug in your hand until the heat clears, then hold your hand over the injection site, then daily offer the Reiki until your hands do not get hot (not needed any more).Do you work in a grooming salon, or kennel, or veterinary clinic, or barn or anywhere animals are being seen? Use your Reiki on any treatments to be given and to calm the animals. People have reported getting animals to eat by doing Reiki on their food.  . Get a free treatment at Great information on Reiki - http://www.reikicourse.orgKathleen Prasad is a wonderful teacher and works with my favorite sanctuary and holistic education center, BrightHaven . Kathleen leads a free monthly telechat for anyone trained in Reiki and using it with animals. If you cannot find a Reiki Class near you (same class for people and animals as it connects you through an "attunement" to the healing energy of the universe, making you a channel of healing), three groups offer long distance, free, attunements.",   Another group that offers Reiki attunements, classes and training on-line and animal classes, too  A Reiki Class will be part of the PGFFD summer health classes in June in Bowie,

There are other methods of healing you may have tried: T-Touch, HTA, flower essences, supplements, homeopathy and aromatherapy.

Please do not EVER support chain stores or pet stores again as most ae using breeders who are inhumane. There are a few good pet stores, but they are usually small, run by the owner and you can visit with the parents. This is true for any species. Your money can help stop cruel treatment to animals. When I bought guinea pigs for my young daughter, I got them from ads inthe paper, or now, from craig's list, or guinea pig clubs where people are experts. Then you will be much less likely to have such a sad outcome.

If you have dogs or cats, check out my website,

Again, thanks for all the care you gave this family,
Dr. Chambreau