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Great Pyreness

18 15:40:52

I lost an 8 year old a few days ago, she was the third female to have died like her mother and grandmother.  All began to lose weight, this was hard to notice due to the hair until the end when they were in the last stages of life.  I got one to the vet, I believed in time but she died anyway, he didn't know why either.
Each started with foot or leg injuries and would limp.  Treatment was a wrap and pain pills.  After a few weeks the injury seemed better but they quit eating.  When I got to them they all were in failure and could not walk.  Three females, grandmother, mother and daughter.  I have others in the same line that are fine.  What can I do to head off this and what could it be?  What can I ask my vet to look for in time?
Thank you.

From your question I understand that all three were females and related. Of course since I haven't seen them,I can not give you an exact answer. What were the intervals between the loss of them? Did it all happen at once, or with long intervals? If it is almost at the same times, it may be from a disease they all got from the same place or spread to each other. If with far intervals, it may be a hereditary disease. In that case I would advise not to breed the same family anymore. Did the vet take an x-ray of the leg? It may be something like a malignant tumor in the leg bone.