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question help

18 15:57:37


where can i get help for a dog without paying the high price at the vet?
She has a ruptered crucia in her leg our vet said she can't do it she
needs to go to an orthopedic surgeon.

thank you.


Hi there!  A ruptured cruciate ligament in the leg MUST be dealt with by an orthopedic surgeon. Getting this procedure done promptly is best for you dog, as this is extremely painful for the dog and the longer this ligament is torn, the more difficult it's going to be to heal.  Your veterinarian should refer you to an orthopedic surgeon. I know how expensive these prices are, but unfortunately, it's the only way you can get help for your dog. You can talk to that orthopedic surgeon about working out a payment plan for you, whether it's monthly payments, or held checks.  Your dog really needs to have this surgery done.
Please let me know how she does,