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Pet health

18 14:31:28

Hello i was notified today that my lab of five years has a high blood cell count nearing 55,000. In past events my dog has had blood in urine, but after being examined, there was never anything to come of it. He is acting normal, his test are still being awaited. I was just anxious to know the best/worst case scenario. Thanks, Jake.

Jake I am not a vet so I really can't comment on this. Besides, there are too many variables. How did you find out he had a high blood count if you are still waiting for his tests? Why was he tested if he is acting normal?

There are so many things that could cause this that I think you are better off just waiting to hear what your vet has to say about it.

And since you didn't mention red or white or both, this is really not even possible to comment on.

You might want to re-post it to one of the vets in here. Hopefully they can be of some help.