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18 16:05:34

Could you please tell me the side effects that a dog would have after being taken off seizure medication.

These are the perscrition names:

Potassium Bromide
Phenobarbital 97 .25mg

   If you could send back any information that you know about this or can find please e-mail it back when possible.  

If the pet is on these medications for seizures and then stops taking it, they will most likely start seizuring again.   If the seizures are severe, your pet could die.  I would not recommend stopping medication without the help of your veterinarian.  And if your veterinarian decides to do so, the medication should be WEANED down and not just stopped cold turkey.

Side effects of the medication are usually sleepiness and weight gain.  Phenobarbital can cause liver values on bloodwork to elevate.