Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > I think someone gave my dog something...

I think someone gave my dog something...

18 14:49:20

Approximately thirty minutes ago my dog was barking excessively. I went out back to see what he was barking at and saw him eating something and someone walking away.  I don't think this person saw me.  Then, my dog started showing becoming unbalanced and seems very sleepy. My dog is an albino German Shepherd.  What should I do and do you know what it is?

Of course I don't know what it is! If this dog has been drugged you need to get it to the vet's right away. I had dog die in my arms because some drunk threw him some strychnine once. Your dog could have been given the same thing or some kind of illegal drug to make him stop barking.

Call your vet and get him into them or an ER vet. Dog's will eat anything if it's in meat or peanut butter or whatever. They could give your dog meat with antifreeze in it and that will kill it.

So get off the internet and call the ER vet. You should never let any dog bark excessively for no reason at all. What they did was wrong but they felt like they had a good reason apparently.

Call the ER now.