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Periodic diarrhrea and lumps in english setter

18 15:13:30

6yr. old english setter gets lumps about her sides and diarrhea twice per year.  She is on low fat food and active normally.  slight vomiting and blood in stool.  Could it be emotional stress?  She has never tested positive for worms.

John -

If this occurs twice yearly, could it be at the same time each year?  if it occurs at the same time, there is a chance that this may be an allergic response to something blooming. Severe histamine release can cause hives on the coat and less commonly, diarrhea.    Have you had your dog examined by a veterinarian?  Bloodwork may determine if her symptoms are due to allergy or something else.  Are her vaccines current?  There are many reasons why she may have these symptoms.  A trip to to the vet can help solve many questions.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM