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Sickness symptoms

18 15:57:53

I took her to a vet and she said she had dyspnoea, a breathing problem.
She gave me medicine to give her but she still died. I am so upset. I
loved her so much. It was horrible to see her breaking out in spasms and
then just stop breathing. How is it that my friend's and my guinea pig die
so close together of similar symptoms? Thank you for your concern and
advice anyway.

Hi there!  I am so sorry you had to go through this.  It's always so hard to lose a loved pet.
Did you and your friend get them from the same pet store/litter?  It could have been an infectious disease or a hereditary defect.
If there was cedar or pine bedding used, the oils of these beddings are known to cause deadly respiratory diseases.
I wish I could give you more information.
Please hang in there and know that I'm thinking of you!