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This kinda serious problem...

18 15:53:47

This kinda serious problem so I am going to tell it all.From a year and a half I have got a male turkish angora.He was so lively and active.Untill one day he have falled from the fifth floor and hit the ground.He have cracked his mouth hurt his legs.Anyway we have struggeld to keep him alive and we did.But he have been kinda dipressed and aggressive.From a month and a half I have got a new female kitten.She is now 3.5 months old.AT first they wasn't going along with each other,but after one week they did.throught this time my cat got depressed and did nothing but eating and sleeping.althought we gave him all the attention he seeks and gave him the priority to eat and everything.Nothing happened during this month and a half untill........From three days he does nothing but hunting the kitten.He jumps over her with no reason and swings her in his mouth and no matter we try to shout and separate them he is so presisstive.This happened alot and he is not just hittig her he is also trying to bite us.I really don't know what to do.....please help.

He may be acting out because he is in pain.  I would highly recommend you take him to the veterinarian for an examination and possible x-rays or blood tests.

In the meantime, I would keep the two separated.  You can try Comfort Zone with Feliway diffusers around the house and try adding RESCUE REMEDY to the water to see if that helps.