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My cats pregnant

18 14:32:54

Hi my name is Julie and my cat Sunny is pregnant. My family and I are suspecting that she will give birth probably any day now but I'm having doughts. We had found our cat on valentines day we think she was about 7 months old and we are suspecting she was already pregnant, her nipples where pink and her lower abdominal area was kind of harder then a normal cats should be and her belly wasn't growing big yet. About a week ago we started to feel the babies move and we could also see them move in her. She is currently not showing any signs of nesting the only thing I have realized is she likes my bed, she is cleaning herself more and her belly doesn't look like it could get much bigger, she is also still extremely playfull. (As i am writing this she just attacked my hand) Do you think she is nearing her birthing date or do you think she might still have a week to go. Thank You - Julie

Cats have a 63 day gestation. Your guess is better than mine because you are there with her and can see her.
A 7 month old cat is still just a baby herself so keep an eye on her.
She will start nesting about 4 days before she is due. She will show you signs, but cleaning herself isn't a sign in itself unless she is licking her vulva a lot.

She won't be playful either, she will be in some pain. She will sneak off or be vocal, all cats are different.

Put your vet on standby as well. Young cats sometimes need help.