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Pregnant Doggie

18 16:05:38

My Chihuahua is pregnant with her first litter. Her mate is also Chihuahua. She is extremely petite and I am afraid that when the time comes, I will not know what to do. Her due date is approaching (even though I don't remember the exact date, I know it was in the 20-something of February)....can you advise on anything?

Hi Lorena!Congrats on getting the new litter!Pregnancy lasts 63 days plus or minus 5 days. You can monitor rectal temperature...when the temperature drops below 100 degrees, she should whelp within 24 hours. If she is in active labor and not passing a pup in 30-45 minutes, you need to call the vet. Often times Chihuahuas will need C-sections, so be prepared for a $300-500 vet bill. Also, Chihuahuas tend to become hypocalcemic so make sure she is eating puppy food for the extra calcium.

I hope this is helpful!Please keep me posted and good luck!