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cat is having kittens

18 16:05:38

how long do the cats carry for?
she is only 11 mon. old is she going to have problems?
how do i help her if she needs it?

Hi Stacey!  The gestation period for felines is 63-67 days.  11 months old is a bit too young to be having a litter.  Usually it is best for the animal to reach at least 2 years of age before breeding, as their reproductive system is not mature or strong enough to endure the stress of carrying and delivering a litter.  During pregnancy, cats need veterinary care, just as woman need to see their ob/gyn.  Blood work needs to be done to ensure that her body is handling the pregnancy well and that she is not deficiant in any way.  X-rays should be done to determine the number of kittens in the litter, the placement and to be sure that everything is developing as it should be. Vitamins and supplements also need to be prescribed so that no types of calcium deficiancies or anemia will become present.  Having your veterinarian check your cat will be the best to determine that everything is going well.  If, when she begins labor, she does have complications, your veterinarian can assist the birthing process and ensure the health of your cat and her kittens.
I hope this has been helpful!
Please keep me posted and give that mommy to be some kisses for me!