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drooling excessively

18 14:43:59

My puppy 6 months started to droop about a week ago, he has seen the vet, the vetertain has looked into his mouth 3 twice, xrayed stomach and blood test? chicken rice diet for the last 3 days, please help any suggestions. This is not a little drooling, he soaks the floor everytime he lays down.

HI Rhonda,
I am sorry but this is something that I cannot help you with. I am not a vet and this sounds like something a vet should be dealing with in person anyway.

I doubt if it's diet related, but it could be breed related (I have no idea what breed he is) or maybe he ate something bad. Do you have any snail bait around or any kind of bugs sprayed around your house?

You need to look for the not so obvious with this problem. Being a vet and a pet owner requires a lot of investigative skills sometimes.

So look around the yard at weeds, plants, wood pieces, has Clark Pest control been there etc.. Then tell your vet what you might find.