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thirsty puppy

18 15:28:46

hello thank you for taking my question. my daughter brought home an abandoned puppy a week ago. she is approx. 4 months old and looks to be a chow mix. the thing that is concerning me is she wants to drink and drink and drink water all the time. I dont mean a slurp or two I mean  a bowl at a time. I have raised quite a few puppies and I have never seen this before. so since she drinks so much water she pees all the time. she probably pees around 15  times a day. she seems to be in good health in every other respect. although she does have a mild case of worms which I will be addressing immediately. so I couldnt find anything on line about worms causing thirst but thought I would ask anyway. this is driving me nuts. could you please tell me what on earth this is and what to do for her. I appreciate any advice you may have about this. thank you very much.     laura

Though unlikely it is possible that the puppy could have a kidney problem causing her to drink large quantities.  She could also have been dehydrated when found which could account for the thirst as could parasites to a degree.

I would suggest having her examined by your veterinarian. If a kidney problem is of concern upon examination they can do bloodwork to test, but hopefully it is just a combination of worms and dehydration that caused her excessive drinking.

Best of luck to you and the little dear.