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Lifestyle of a vet

18 14:49:58

Hi Ms.Connell,

I read your profile and I know that you aren't a vet, but I was hoping you could help me with this. I have a project in school about careers that we find interesting, and I chose to research on veterinarians. As part of my project I have a section labeled Life style of a vet. Here I talk about the life of a vet, their daily lives, their routines, how many patients they see per day, how much they make, and things like that. I would be really grateful if you could answer these questions for me, thanks.  

Well that would be very difficult for me because I am not a vet. I know the other vets are out on vacation but you could ask a local vet where you live. Most of them love to talk to students about being a vet. Just call one and do a phone interview. Keep your questions short and they shouldn't mind.
Good luck!