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Cat Anal Leakage

18 14:11:46

My cat is about 6 months old and yesterday I noticed some sort of anal leakage. I haven't changed his diet and his stool is the same. The liquid is sometimes clear, sometimes a watery brown. He has been licking his anus, I'm guessing to keep the area clean. I don't notice a scent and he hasn't been scooting on the carpet which differs from other posts I see.

It's pretty rare for a cat to have a problem like this at 6 months old. I would have the vet look him over because he could have an infection or, more commonly, a foreign body(sticker, weed, grass awn) inside of the gland.

Dogs are usually the only ones that scoot,but I have seen cats do it. They do that when their glands are full and impacted to try and relieve the pressure.

You need to call the vet.