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My dog has suddenly turned possessive towards her toys/bowl

18 14:07:03

Hello Doctor,

My 4.8 year old female cocker spaniel Ibby, was spayed 6 months after the vet recommended it. She's been playful, if a little obnoxious and occasionally snappy.

However, her behaviour has suddenly changed in the last month while she was staying at my parents' - she has begun to guard her food bowl, toys, stuff she finds, even trash (even a plastic bag or  a cabbage leaf).

Her new vet says that's because she is experiencing a ghost pregnancy/motherhood. Is it possible? And, if it is, how long does this last? And how am i supposed to help her? She has become really weird and aggressive trying to bite anyone who touches her bowl or anything/toy she takes fancy to.

Please help.

Your new vet is correct. She was spayed rather late in life so she is going through some hormonal changes. These usually stop after about a month or so but some dogs continue on this way if they don't get some medical help.

She may need to be put on some hormones for a short time. I would consult the new vet and ask if there is anything that can be done(chemically) since she is getting aggressive which is dangerous.

This behavior cannot continue. There are many safe drugs out there that can be used short term to help her over this period and will treat either the cause or will help with behavioral changes.

Call your vet and ask for a consultation regarding this problem. Your vet is there to help with this, so take advantage of that.

p.s. I am not a doctor. I am a registered Vet Tech so I cannot and do not diagnose. I can only help with suggestions for you.

So please call your new vet and ask for some help with this problem.