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18 15:55:09

Hello, my daugher has a budgie who has always been very chatty (budgie chat that is).  He also has been very, very, fond of his plastic bird which shares his cage - snuggling with it, telling it off, feeding it, etc.  He has always loudly responded to music and always wants to be 'heard' if we are trying to have a conversation without him.  For the past couple of weeks he hasn't made a sound and he want's nothing to do with his plastic friend - in fact he now sits on a separate perch and totally ignores it.  On the positive side he eats well, drinks well, poos well, and climbs about his cage.  He has also started to sleep a lot in the day and no longer plays with his toys.  As far as I am aware nothing has happend to change his behaviour.  We have not moved his cage or made any other obvious changes to his environment.  The strange thing is that he looks healthy enough, his beak is fine, his claws are fine, his feathers are in good condition and he has a good appetite.  In fact, it's only because I know that he has always been a chatty, interactive bird, that I'm so concerned about him.  He is about 4-5 years old.

Please can you advise me what to do.

Thank you for your help.

Hi there!  It doesn't sound as though there is anythng health related going on, being that he is eating, drinking and appears to be very healthy.  A sick budgie will sit low on his perch, with eyes closed, feathers puffed,diarrhea and not having much of an appetite.
I have a budgie and she gets bored very easily.  She appears to behave in the same way you have described.  I have a "system" with her, that may help your bird.  I have 10 toys total for her, and two mirrors.  I keep the mirrors in her cage at all times, changing their position weekly.  I keep 3 additional toys in her cage at a time.  Every week, those three toys come out, and three new toys come in. This keeps her mind stimulated, and keeps her playful.  Also, each breed of bird is attracted to a few colors more than others.  Parakeets are attracted to reds and blues.  Toys with reds and blues on them may stimulate her playfulness as well.
I hope this helps and please keep me posted!