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Hi. I have had my Hamster...

18 16:07:31

Hi. I have had my Hamster now for almost two years. She was a happy and
energetic hamster but recently all she does is lye in her house. she can't
walk any more, she isn't eating or drinking she just lyes there. I feel so
bad for her because she is so small and helpless and i try to get her to
eat by trying to hand feed her and I bring her water bottle to her lips
but she just wont take it. I'm thinking about bringing her to a vet to
have her put down because I know she is suffering but I don't know how
much this would cost for a small animal. Would you be able to give me an
estimate on how much something like this would cost? I love my hamster and
I want her to be in peace. Thanks.  

Hi there.  Hamsters do only have a life span of 1-3 years, so it would not be uncommon for her to be at the end of her life span.  Euthanization costs do vary on the veterinarian.  Being that your hamster is so small, it should be in the range of $20 for the injection, max.
I am so sorry about your hamster.  She obviously has had a wonderful life, with a very good owner, so be comforted by that fact.
Hang in there and take care,