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I have a rabbit that is 3...

18 16:07:31

I have a rabbit that is 3 or 4 yrs. old. Whein i reach down to pet her she
grunts and moves away. She has less of this problem when she is in her
travel cage or inside the house. I have been noticing this problem over
the last 6 or 7 months. Also, I have a guinea pig that even when she has
plenty of food, will chatter her teeth and beg for food. Is there
something wrong with her teeth? Overgrown? I have a chew toy already in
there, but she doesn't seem that interested. Please reply a.s.a.p.!

Hi there!  It sounds as though your rabbit is reacting to fear.  It is not uncommon for rabbits to be very skittish and frightened.  Try holding her gently in a towel so she can get used to human interaction.  As she begins to get used to you, she should begin to welcome your petting.  Be sure that when you handle your rabbit, that you speak softly to her. Your voice will work to calm her, as loud noises terrify rabbits.
As for your guinea pigs.  Guinea pigs sometimes do need routine teeth clippings that can be done by your veterinarian.  You may want to have your veterinarian physically examine the teeth to make sure that they are not overgrown.  Overgrown teeth will result in anorexia, as they can not eat when their teeth continue to grow.
I hope this has been helpful!