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flame point himalayan female cat

18 15:48:36

Our cat is urinating on the guest bed.  Can you tell me why?  She does not seem ill and is eating normally.  The only thing is we have a 16 month old daughter that has been eating up her attention.  Could that be why?

Hi Amber!
The number one reason for a cat to urinate outside the litterbox is a urinary tract infection.  I would definitely have your veterinarian examine her for a UTI.  This infection is easily cured with a short duration of antibiotics.
This may very well be jealousy over your daughter.  Cats get very stessed, very easily.  Urinating outside the box is also very common for a stressed out cat.
I would first have her cleared for a urinary tract infection.  If she does not have a UTI, I would definitely think that this is a behavioral problem, in which your veterinarian will have many suggestions for you, like putting her in a room with the litter box which will make her get the hint to use it....or spraying a lemon scent on the places in which she is urinating (cats hate the scent of lemon), and there are even a few products out on the market made specifically for problems like these.  Your veterinarian may also be able to prescribe a medication that will calm her down a bit until she adjusts to your daughter properly.
If she is not spayed, a cat in heat will definitely urinate outside the box.  Getting her spayed will eliminate the problem.
I wish I could be of more help,