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Hair tufts/ dnadruf?

18 15:13:14

I have a 14 y/o golden/shepard that has small tufts of hair that show up on his gold. I can pull them out very easily and I also noticed what looks like dandruff.  Can you please help?

Hi Thomy,
There are many things that your dog might have. 14 yr old dogs tend to have drier skin and he may just need a good brushing and a bath.
If there are patches, however, that you are seeing after you pull out a tuft of hair then I would suspect maybe lice.

Get him into the vet's and have them look over his coat and test his skin for lice and even ringworm. Lice are not contagious to you but ringworm is. It is a fungus.

Demodex mange is another skin parasite that dogs can get but it is rare in 14 yr olds, but not impossible for them to have.

The best thing to do is get him to the vet's.