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Guinea pig is dying

18 15:57:49

Hi I have a guinea pig that is about 5 years old. He's been doing fine except lately he's been drinking A LOT of water, more than he ever has. So today he's laying in his cage unable to move and barely breathing, pretty much dying. What could've happened all of a sudden? He's outside and its a nice day, but not hot or cloudy, I've put him outside many many times before. Thanks...


Hi Sylvia!

5 years old for a piggy is considered senior. It sounds like your piggy is ready to cross the rainbow bridge. When it comes to the point where he is unable to move and barely breathing, it's the point where you say goodbye and give him his last guinea pig kisses. If the only thing you told me was that he was drinking alot of water, there could have been a couple of reasons for him to be taken to the vet. He could have diabetes, perhaps a kidney stone, but in his current condition he is just waiting to pass over. I would assume by this time he has passed away, but if i'm wrong, then you wouldn't want him to suffer so you should maybe take him to the vet to see about putting him down.

When guinea pigs start to go downhill, it's just a process that hits them immediately. Guinea pigs can go from being 100% to zero really in a matter of a couple of days. It's just how their body works.

Please let me know how your baby is doing!