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crusty eyes

18 14:12:52

I have an outside cat and I always thought it was a boy until "she" had kittens. I noticed that the kittens eye's where getting a little crusty around them I figured that the mother would clean them up. I looked today and it has gotten so bad that one of the kittens eyes are completely matted shut. I took a warm wash rag and wiped its eyes I was able to get the inside corner of its eyes clean and open but it does not seem to be helping for the rest of the eye. Is there an easier faster way to get the poor things eyes cleaned up?

Many kittens will get neonatal conjunctivitis. This occurs when the eyes open and the glands that lubricate the eye are very active.  Just keep wiping the eye with a warm wet cotton ball to remove the mucus.  If it lasts more than 3-4 days, then let the vet look at it to see if there is an infection that needs treatment.