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Demodex Mite

18 15:40:12

Hi Dr.

My 5 month old beagle puppy is dignoised with Demodex Mite. She only has 1 spot so far and her vet has prescribed Goodwinol. What is the chance of the localized Demodex to become a generalized one? I would like to know besides this treatment, do I need to give her any supplement to boost up her immune system? And could you please recommend one? She is on Innove dry kiddble and Wellness canned food, both are human grade. Should I feed her more canned food? Thank you very very much for your time.


It is rare for only one spot of mange to be present.  That one spot is the only one that has lost hair.  But the mite is all over the body. So many of these Goodwinol treated dogs require treatment for generalized demodicosis.

There are some choices.  You can have the puppy dipped in amitraz, you can uise ivermectin orally, or you can use a heartworm pill called interceptor for 36 days in a row.  Ask your vet if he thinks that whole body treatment is appropriate.

Food really has no bearing on the outcome of mange mites. We do not really know if there is such a thing as an immunity booster. The puppy may "outgrow" the mange when its own immune system becomes competent.