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My Puppy.. :(

18 15:22:48

Hey! I'm a little worried about my new dog. We got her from a shelter, she was in very bad conditions and with other dogs that were sick. So we got her out of there so she wouldn't die or something. We got her on Monday, today is Thursday, and since that she hasn't eaten or drank much. the same day we got her we went to a vet after seeing her with diarrhea and very tired. The vet made some tests, told us that she was anemic and gave her penicillin, some fluid on her back and gave us vitamins, antibiotics (amoxicillin) and something for the worms in case that was the problem. The same night when we came back, she pooped again, but with blood on it. We called a vet and told us to keep her hydrated so we bought Pedialyte and gave her every two hours. The next day we took her to the vet again and they didn't say much again. They just said that it could be parvo or the worms but that we should just let it pass. I don't know what to do. She sleeps almost the entire day, just gets up to poop and pee and goes back to sleeping. Right now she is back to the diarrheas when we thought she was fine, and still has blood. I think I should go to another vet because this is serious. If we took her out of the shelter is because we don't want her to die, but the vet hasn't helped much. What should I do?????

My sincere apologies as a family emergency kept me away.  If it is a case of parvo there is no treatment to combat the virus directly, only supportive measure such as fluids to keep her hydrated, antibiotics to fight off secondary infection and temperature regulation.  It sounds as though your veterinarian addressed these aspects though could have perhaps offered to keep her in their clinic to treat, though I do not know if they have around-the-clock staffing to handle this.

If it was a case of worms, the deworming should make her better shortly, though her extreme lethargy makes me worry of parvo, sadly a virus that can quickly infect and kill puppies in shelter situations.  It is frustrating in that there is little that can be done except supportive care to give them the best chance of fighting off the virus.

If you have any further questions please let me know.  I wish you the very best of luck.