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URGENT!my sick puppy

18 15:19:45

I have just recently gotten a puppy on an impulse.  But, in hindsight I realized I do not have the funds to take her to the vet.  But, my daughter is in love.  With that said, my puppy has worms and fleas.  I wanted to know what the best over the counter medicine I can give her for both.  I was just recently told that I could purchase dewormer from a feed store. I was just wanting the main ingredient in the dewormer or a name brand so that I can find it.  I also wanted to know what is the best flea removal medicine or main ingredient in the medicine and if collars are good or drops or better. Oh and the puppy is 7 weeks old. And I know that she has round worms (they look like ramen noodles).

Angelina -

I commend you for admitting that you made a mistake in making a impulse adopton.   The sad truth is that many people adopt pets on impulse and later find that they cannot afford to take care of them.  The best advice I can give you is to call around and find a veterinarian that offers services at a price you can afford.  Most people do not take the time to call around to see what the various veterinary hospitals offer - you will find services in your price range if you take the time to research and find the veterinarian that can help you and your pet.  

I do not advise treating the puppy yourself.  He may have roundworms, but you  need to make sure that he is treated with the correct dose and the the right type of medication.  Flea collars are not effective - they are usually a waste of money as they do not work. Over the counter flea drops are not effective and may cause harm to your pet. I have seen it many times - the active ingredient in the counter flea drops is very strong and can cause serious damage to the nervous system of a young pet.  

If you find that you seriously cannot afford to take care of your pet, then kindly give it away so that someone can care for it as it should be taken care of.  In these tough economic times, one must realize that a pet is a luxury and not a necessity.  In the unlikely event that your pet gets extremely sick or your pet has an emergency such as hit by car, things can become very expensive and that is a stress you can avoid by finding a home that can afford the expense of a pet.