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Baby Robin

18 15:58:26

I rescued a baby robin from a cat three days ago, it has been doing very well and eating every hour or more for three days.  Today when I came in to feed it its' morning breakfast, it is very lethargic and looks drunk.  It is not interested in food and I have had to "force" feed it today.  After reviewing all the websites I can find the only thing I have done wrong is give it water.  It has been eating berries and beef baby food and today I was going to start it on wax worms.  Any suggestions I don't want it to die.  I used to work for the animal rescue, so I do know what I am doing, I am at a loss for what else I can do for my little friend.

Hi Jessica!  How wonderful of you to take this baby bird under your wing!
You are right... it does sound as though you know exactly what you're doing and it sounds as though you've been doing a great job of keeping this bird with you.  I wish I could offer you more advice, but aside from keeping the bird warm and cutting off the water, it seems as though you are doing everything possible.
It is possible, however, that the robin may have experienced internal injuries from it's bout with the kitty, and the effects of this brutality is just showing now.
The only other thing I can suggest is having a veterinarian physically examine the bird.  If the bird is very, very young, it may just not be strong enough to continue fighting.  I wish you the very best of luck and blessings for taking in a baby in need.  I truly wish I could be of more help.
Please, if you have time, keep me posted!