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opossum with spondylosis/arthritis

18 15:02:03

Hello, I have a 2 1/2 year old education opossum that has been diagnosed with spondylosis/arthritis. She started falling over & also has a weak hind end. She is on Dasuquen, Metacam & Omega 3 fish oil and Vit E. daily. No noted improvement in the last 2 weeks. Any other med's or treatment that she might benefit from? Her appetite and bowels are fine. Thank you, Maggie

In the 20 yrs I have been raising opossum for rehab, during my research I have only found evidence of the Virginia Opossum living two- three years tops. National Geographic did a huge study on the possums of South America and then translated it to our possums and found that they correlate pretty closely in physiology.

Here is a University of Michigan article on them:

So I guess what I am saying is that she is really old in opossum years and that is not something that is reversible or curable. She will most likely become 'down' in the back end at some point and not be able to walk at all.

Spondylosis is a narrowing of the spine, which in turn of course squeezes the spinal cord which then causes the weakness in her hindquarters.

I am sorry but there is really nothing you can do. She will increasingly get weaker and you will have to make a choice about what to do with her.
Bless you for caring for her for this long.