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sick pup

18 14:04:08

My pup has vomited one time and only has had a bowel movement once and she constipated little streaks of blood. About a week or so....i gave her a dewormer pill. Could it be that she srill has worms?

There are many reasons she has bloody stool. The food you feed could cause it, worms if she still has them (which she most likely does. They need to be de-wormed 10 days apart from the first worming.).
How old is she and has she been vaccinated for parvo, distemper, etc?
Is she eating? How often and what is she eating?

Young puppies can get sick very quickly and if she has parvo she needs to be seen by a vet right away. Many young dogs do not survive parvo without supportive treatment.

If it's from something she ate then it should clear up unless she has diarrhea or is still vomiting.

So there are many factors involved. Puppies are vaccinated on an every 4 week schedule and given heartworm prevention once monthly which ALSO kills the intestinal worms that they are born with.

Since you give it once a month the next hatch of worms is eliminated, until they are all gone. This is a lifetime prevention medicine for heartworm and other worms.