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shih-tzu sick

18 15:54:11

ok she is 10 months old she is mostly an outside dog she has been itching alot [she is on hotspot flea repelant ] has been sence she was a pup so i don't think this is her problem . this started 3 weeks she has been throwing up she has open wounds from scratchin and it is ooossing yellow stuff out of it. just wanted your openion ,can i fix this at home or is there over the counter drugs 2 fix it or should i take her to the vet ?p.s. we live on a gravle road and lots of dust gets in her pin would that cause it?pss. she maybe  pregnant!

This dog needs to be IMMEDIATELY put into your home.  Shih tzu dogs are NOT made for the outdoors and they WILL die if kept mostly outdoors.  Shih tzu dogs were created through very careful breeding by a Chinese Empress centuries ago.  They were bred to sit on a pillow next to royalty.  These dogs are in no way fit to be an outdoor dog or a "mostly" outdoor dog and they will not be able to live like this.  Keeping a dog outside it's eliment is considered animal abuse.  The itching your dog has is probably due to Scabies or another form of a mite. Being that her wounds are excreting pus means that she has a HORRIBLE infection and needs antibiotics now! This needs veterinary care IMMEDIATELY.  As for the vomiting, she may be poisoned, ate something she shouldn't have, have an intestinal blockage or an intestinal parasite and is in desperate need for veterinary care...not tomorrow!  She also needs to be spayed immediately.  A dog, especially a small dog of a shih tzu's stature WILL most likely die if forced to give birth this young.  They should not be bred until at least 2 years of age and that only includes responsible breeding.  Her reproductive system is not mature enough to handle carrying pups and giving birth to them. Get her indoors and to a veterinarian TODAY.
I am sorry to sound rude, but here I am, typing this with my two year old shih tzu asleep on my lap.  My husband and I consider him like our baby.  He is the most wonderful dog and we would be lost without him.  These dogs are the most wonderful companions and sweetest, most loving dogs.  Please, please, please give your dog the attention and love she needs.  She was bred to be your hers too.
Please keep me posted as to how she does and give her tons of kisses for me.  I absolutely LOVE this breed.  They are the most affectionate dogs I have ever known.