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Dog is leaking while resting on couch but not in crate

18 15:57:15

We recently adopted a dog from a family that did not want her any longer because they told us she was too active for them. She is a one and a half year old, spayed female wire fox terrier. We noticed while she is sleeping on the couch she is leaking urine. We took her to the vet and the vet put her on Stilbestrol. They did a urine test and it came back negative. We noticed one time that there was a teeny tiny bit of blood in the urine so they prescribed an antibiotic for her as well. She has been on the Stilbestrol for 6 days and the antibiotic for 4 days. She is still leaking. The strange thing is that she does not leak in her crate at night and she can go a few days without leaking. Any thoughts that you can provide to me on this would be great. How long do these meds take to take effect and what other conditions could this be? I look forward to hearing your response.

Hi Shelley!  When was this dog spayed?  Sometimes, for a few months after a dog is spayed, it can cause the urethra (the "tube" that carries the urine from the bladder and out of the body) to weaken.  This would cause a bit of incompetance, but should only be temporary. This can also be caused by the accidental snipping of the urethra during the spaying surgery which would explain the blood in the urine and may require surgical intervention to fix.
Often times, dogs will "leak" when getting excited.  You have mentioned that this happens when she is sleeping on your couch.  It could be possible that she is hearing her new family's voices while she's asleep and is getting excited, therefore "leaking".  
The antibiotics should kick in by day 3 or 4.  Stilbestrol usually will start working within a few days as well.  You may want to talk to your veterinarian about trying Phenylpropanolamine.  Phenylpropanolamine is a medication that is strictly used for this problem and can be used long term with no known side-effects.  This medication has been proven to be successful and may be the treatment your dog needs to treat this problem.
I wish I could be of more help!  Hang in there and let me know how she does!