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New to crate training

18 15:58:28

ok i have bought a crate for polo my 10 weeks old pitbull i put all his toys in it and his food and water but he still wont sleep in it i have a coushion in it and i dont lock the door or anything what am i supposed to do am i supposed to lock the door at night to make him sleep in it or am i supposed to leave it open?  

Hi Daniel!Hi Amy,

Your puppy just won't sleep in his crate, you have to train him to stay in a crate quietly.
You can read about how to crate train here:

A crate is a safe place for a puppy to stay over night, or whenever you can't be watching him. If he had access to your home over night while you sleep, many things would get chewed up and you would probably have several accidents to clean up in the morning.

Yes, close the door of the crate over night, so the puppy can't get out.
Just before putting the puppy in the crate before you go to bed, take the pup outside so he has a chance to go potty, then first thing when you wake up do the same thing. Then go to bed and turn out the lights as usual. You might want to place his crate next to your bed. There, he will know that you are near, and you can place your fingers into the crate and soothe him if he whines during the night.
Most puppies will quickly go to sleep; however, some determined pups might refuse to settle down. If the puppy whines, talk softly to the him until he falls asleep.

You may lose a little sleep for a night or two, but do NOT open the crate door for at least four hours.
(I repeat: the puppy has successfully pottied just before this!). Do not get angry with the puppy or yell at him but I do not give in and let him out either.

Like a young child, your puppy has little control over his emotions and even though he may cry, scolding him will do nothing but cause him to fear you. If your puppy cries for you to come to him for the first few nights, your constant appearance, whether to comfort or scold, will only serve to reinforce the fact that he can make you appear with his cries.  

If the crate is comfortable and warm enough, the lights are out, and you are right there to talk softly to him, then usually he will fall asleep within an hour, less if he is tired. If during the night the puppy begins to cry , you have to get up and take the puppy outside for a potty break. A puppy is a baby, and needs to go outside more than an adult dog.

Dogs are creatures of habit and routine, two or three nights of this at the most and your puppy will be used to the routine.
If you happen to sleep through the puppy whining and he is forced to potty in his crate because he can't hold it, don't blame or scold the puppy. It is your responsibility to get the puppy out BEFORE he has had a chance soil his crate.

I hope this has been helpful and I wish you the best of luck!Please keep me posted and givethat Pitbul lots of kisses for me!