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treatment for colds and hard to walk

18 14:33:09

I have a doberman. 2 years old male. He has a cold and he cant walk properly since he was kept in the cage for 2 years. What will I do to cure his ailment? Please Advise. Thank you.

I don't understand this question. There are no cures for colds and why do you feel that he has a 'cold'? Dog's do not get colds like we do, but they do get upper respiratory infections.

These need to be treated by a vet usually with antibiotics. If he isn't vaccinated once he is well he should be vaccinated.

I cannot help you with his walking problem. Why was he in a cage for two years?

You should have a vet look him over and take some xrays of his legs and hips. There might be some physical therapy that can help him or a surgery of some sort.

Your vet can best answer these questions for you.