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Sore paw

18 15:55:21

I recently rescued a dachshund through a rescue organization.  I love him to pieces and he's already causing me worries, like any good mother.  He has been licking his paw for several days now.  There is a sore between the pads, but there doesn't appear to be any foreign object lodged in his skin.  I cannot take him to the veterinarian until Thursday.  Meantime, should I try anything to stop him from making it worse?  I'm afraid if I put a topical ointment on it, he'll eventually chew through any bandage I fashion and lick further- I don't want to poison him, yet I feel bad because I think I should do something.  Furthermore, should I minimize how much I walk him because of this problem?  Thanks so much!

Hi Yvette!  Congrats on your new baby!  I am so happy that he has found someone to love and care for him as you do!
This may simply be an allergy, or an abcessed wound, ect.  Nothing that can't be easily treated by your veterinarian so don't you worry!
In the meantime, do not cover the paw, as it will need the air to heal.  You can, however, take a swab of hydrogen peroxide and clean the area thoroughly twice per day, and put a cool compress on it for a few minutes, a few times per day,until your vet appointment Thursday.  I would try to restrict his activity as much as possible until then, to prevent any further irritation.  I'm not sure I can come up with a good idea to deter him from licking the area other than an elizabethan collar, which you can get at your local pet store or from your veterinarian.
I hope this helps and please let me know how he does!
Give that little guy millions of welcome home kisses for me, and congrats again!