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18 14:10:35

Hi Jana, I have a 12 week old maltipoo who has a loose patella. The vet
says to have it checked out again in 3 months to see if it tightened.  Is there
any suggestion you have to help it "tighten"?
I saw you recommend giving calcium to dogs. At what age can I start? And
what is a safe amount to give? (my dog is 3 lbs)
I use balsam fir essential oil on my knee ( it's supposed to support joints and
bones) you think this oil will be supportive & safe for my pooch?
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions.
All the best...Jennifer.

HI Jennifer,
I don't know where you saw that, but I NEVER recommend calcium for dogs. Just the opposite!
Calcium can cause all kinds of bone and growth issues in dogs. Dog breeders even found that out the hard way by feeding dogs prone to hip displaysia calcium and then having dogs with worse hip issues than before. I have never recommended it and never will.

I believe that all pets should be on high quality food. That will take care of many growth problems in itself. Just as we are what we eat, so are our pets.

I would not use any kind of oil on your dog that is for humans. Too many of these oils are toxic to dogs.

You should ask your vet about maybe starting her on some Cosequin which is a natural supplement for joint health. They have it in all sizes now. It's rich in glucosomine and chondrotin. Both of these have shown to help with all types of joint issues.

Many little dogs do have these patellas that go in and out, causing the dogs leg to lock up. Hopefully she will out grow it. They often can.

Get her on some high quality food such as Science Diet Puppy Growth and that will give her the the precise nutritional support that she needs at this age.

It could possibly help her outgrow this condition since it will make her as healthy as she can be. If you do switch her over, make sure you do it slowly over seven days.

Hills Science Diet has over 50 years of Veterinary Research behind it. Give it a try for a month and see how she does. She will eat less and have a beautiful coat.

I hope this helps some. Please let me know how it goes with her little kneecap later on.