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18 14:49:20

hi, my quary is that my bitch has only had one season. she is a boxer 1 year and 9 months, she had her first season at 13 months that being very heavy and i thought she should be having a season roughly every 6 months after the first season. is this anything to worry about?
many thanks for any help you can give.

The cycle was heavy or the dog is heavy? I am confused by that sentence. She should have had another estrus cycle 6-9 months after the first but boxers are notorious for not following protocol.

If she doesn't have one in the next two-three months you might want to have an exam done on her if you are planning to breed her after the age of two. If you are not breeding her at all, then get her spayed now before she becomes more at risk for pyometra and breast cancer.

Otherwise, a hands on exam or some cervical cytology would be in order here.