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blood faeces dogs

18 14:03:58

Hi,I have 2 dogs, one a 4 month old bull terrier (11.5kg) and another one a 10 month old fox terrier mix (14kg).

Both of them from last week had some blood in their stools and the younger one even had some drops.

2 days ago, I gave them the worms tablets and the stools looks very much better now and today I did not find any blood drops.

A vet assistant friend of mine adviced that if they ate bones in a hurry that could have hurt the stomach and thus the blood and she suggested that that i can give them some enrotab tablets 50mg (1 for the 4 month old) and 2 (for the 10 month old dog) for 5 days.
What concerned me is that I read that these tablets can cause Contraindications: "Do not use in young or growing dogs (dogs aged less than 12 months (small breed) or less than 18 months (large breed))."

What would you suggest? Thanks

I wouldn't use these at all. They are not even a current drug. Giving short term antibiotics are the major cause of drug resistance. Five days wouldn't cover a complete schedule for giving antibiotics.

Bloody stool can be caused by bones, which should NEVER be fed to dogs. Gastrointestinal perforations can occur which no antibiotic will help. These kind of perforations lead to death if not caught in time and surgery done immediately.

I would get some regular wormer from the vet and give them a course every ten days. Having them on monthly Heartworm medication will kill the rest of the worms and even round worms, which are the most common ones.

Feeding cheap grocery store food can also cause bloody stool. If the blood is bright red, or "frank" blood, then it's coming from the lower intestine, near the colon. That is usually the case with a heavy worm burden or from bad food.

Get them some monthly heartworm medications (Heartgard, or Interceptor) and the worm issue will take care of itself. Plus they'll be protected from heartworms, which are world wide, except maybe in Sweden!

If the bloody stool continue, then they both need to see a vet. There are other parasites they can get that wormers won't touch, such as coccidia and giardia. These too, can also cause bloody stool.