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canine pancreatitis

18 14:07:13

I have a 4.5 yr old female catahoula two weeks ago diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis. Her levels upon first test were 800. Went to bland diet of white rice/cottage cheese, started 20 mg daily of pepcid, 2 week course of metronidizole and daily probiotic. Slowly introduced hills ID during this time. She had improved attitude, appetite, stool, etc. Took her for recheck of blood and it is now over 1000. She is better outwardly but technically worse. I am both confused and concerned, my vet wants me to give it another month and bring her back in. When pressed for course of treatment it felt like a circular conversation that seemed to say there is no treatment. What dobi do? I don't want to sit around and wait for her pancrease to scar to the point of failure. How is that an option?!
secondly, her first clinical signs of an issue was in June when she was being fed a good that was recalled - California Naturals low fat lamb and rice. Recalled for salmonella, I fed it to her for 3 weeks. Could this have started this situation?
Thank you

HI Kristin,
Sorry it took so long to answer you but I was having some computer issues.I am not really sure why her pancratic levels would go up during treatment but if she is eating better, feeling better and is overall improved, I would say you (and your vet) are on the right track.

I/D is a great, low fat diet that is very soothing to the digestive tract. Some dogs stay on it for life and do very well on it. So keep her on this as long as you can.

I don't really know if the food you were feeding started this but it's very possible that she got a small amount of the bacteria. Usually kidney failure or major sickness (overall) results in dogs eating these foods.
Did you know that Science Diet has never had a recall of food in the 70 years they have been in existence? This alone is enough to make me stay with them!

I don't think that her pancreas is scarring if she is feeling better. The "is no treatment" may have been that you are on the treatment of choice for her and that there isn't anything much different she could do. If the dog wasn't improved I would definitely ask for a change in antibiotics or a second opinion but since she is better, even though her numbers are higher, I would venture to say that maybe they just hadn't reached the top that they were headed when she was first tested. The Merck Manual suggests a trial of steroids for dogs that do not respond to treatment but only for a short time. Your dog is responding so that won't be the case here. Since she is eating and drinking then fluids are unnecessary at this time (IV fluids that is). These are generally given when the dog first presents at the vets with the disease. The prognosis for a mild case of pancreatitis is relatively good. Some dogs never get it again. The Merck mentions that some dogs with Babesia canis infections (which are from ticks in the southern states normally) have gotten pancreatitis but the normal risk factor for dogs is dietary indiscretion. That little piece of ham, the bacon grease, the cheese, whatever people food the dog might get now and then.

If it's been at least two weeks I would call and ask if it would be beneficial to check her blood work earlier to head off any other issues that might be arising. It could be that it's going to take a month for the enzyme levels to get back to normal after this episode and that's why she has you on a one month recall.

Once she is better I would definitely get her on some Science Diet for digestive health and keep her on that for life. I would never go back to a store brand. Since ALL of Science Diets ingredients are grown in the USA they have never had this issue. Their food is made in human- grade facilities and inspected and tested constantly for any bacterial problems.

You can really trust SD and ALL of Hills products. I have seen ALL of my pets live longer, healthy and disease free lives on it. Not one of my pets has ever been sick since feeding Science Diet. They just grow old and die!

I hope this has answered your questions. Please let me know what her numbers are the next time you have her blood work done.